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Adams Industries, Inc.
For more than 30 years, Adams Industries has been a leader in industrial logistics, transportation, and storage. The company is a common and contract carrier specializing in flatbed and van hauling in both interstate and intrastate capacities for a wide variety of shippers. Adams’ warehousing capabilities — which include 700,000 square feet of secure and USDA-approved indoor warehouse space, graded and treated multi-acre stabilized ground, and a footprint of 550-plus acres of outdoor storage — can be tailored to any of your industrial storage needs. If you would like to speak with a representative regarding our services, please call 800-525-6958.

CenterPoint Properties
CenterPoint is an industrial real estate company made up of dedicated thinkers, innovators and leaders with the creativity and know-how to tackle the industry’s toughest challenges. And it’s those kinds of problems—the delicate, the complex, the seemingly-impossible— that we relish most. Because with an agile team, substantial access to capital and industry-leading expertise, those are exactly the kinds of problems we’re built to solve.

City of West Memphis, Arkansas
Welcome to the economic development information center for West Memphis, Arkansas. The city’s central location and superior access to highway, rail, river, and air transport have made it a high-performing location for companies that distribute both OEM supplies and consumer products. High-performing West Memphis facilities also owe much of their efficiency to the low cost of doing business in the city.

CJK Services
CJK Services is your source for forklift fleet management information. Our team has decades of experience in generating maximum uptime and financial efficiency from forklifts in every type of industry. Whether you are investigating forklift fleet management for the first time, or looking to enhance your current approach, partnering with CJK Services will allow your company to focus on its core competencies.

Duke Realty
Duke Realty Corporation owns and operates approximately 156 million rentable square feet of industrial properties in 20 major U.S. logistics markets. Duke Realty is publicly traded on the NYSE under the symbol DRE and is listed on the S&P 500 Index. The company maintains a Baa1 rating from Moody’s Investor Service and a BBB+ rating from Standard & Poor’s Financial Services.

East Kentucky Power Cooperative
Kentucky offers a superb quality of life, some of America’s lowest electric rates, dedicated workers, a central location, attractive tax incentives, and excellent transportation. Check us out and bring your business to our old Kentucky home.

East Mississippi BDC
The EMBDC functions as a catalyst for the economic development efforts enhancing Lauderdale County’s economy, and provides sustained growth for its communities and businesses. A strong partnership between the EMBDC, elected officials, and the private and public sectors creates the pro-business environment boosting economic development initiatives in the area. Lauderdale County values its existing industry, creates opportunities, supports entrepreneurs, and promotes business expansion, creation, and relocation. The EMBDC, with local and state authorities, will find the perfect combination of resources to minimize the cost of your business initiatives in the area.

ElectriCities of North Carolina
This membership organization includes public power communities in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. ElectriCities also provides management services to the state’s two municipal power agencies — North Carolina Municipal Power Agency Number 1 and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency. ElectriCities serves the needs of public power communities through collective strength, wisdom, and action — while promoting more success for its citizens. For more information, contact Brenda Daniels at (800) 768-7697, ext. 6363.

Ford Storage & Moving Company
Ford Storage and Moving Company, Omaha, Neb., is an asset-based logistics company specializing in the successful execution of all logistics activities required to take your products from production to delivery. Let Ford be your partner in resource management including production assistance, materials handling, storage, and distribution. The company’s transportation programs include truckload and LTL shipments; in-transit merge; postponement; inbound materials management; order fulfillment; and reverse logistics. The Web site provides online inventory management capabilities so you can track your products every step of the way.

Georgia Center of Innovation for Logistics
The Center of Innovation for Logistics is the leading statewide resource for fueling logistics industry growth and global competitiveness. The Center works to address the needs and opportunities of companies of any size involved in logistics and freight transportation — both providers and heavy consumers of logistics services. The Center provides industry knowledge and technical expertise, and connections to state resources in research and innovation. And it joins together an extensive cross-sector industry network.

Georgia Department of Economic Development
Engineering your supply chain is easier out of Georgia, thanks to its superior geographical location and extensive cargo transportation network. The Center of Innovation is the central source for accelerating business growth in Georgia, providing collaboration with leaders in university research, business, and access to intellectual capital. The state also provides outstanding air, ocean, and rail services. If logistics is your business, you’ll be in good company in Georgia. Find out more at the Web site.

Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce represents an eight-county metro area of more than 800,000 people (1.1 million within a 60-minute drive) and offers a full range of consultative services: current data on available sites and buildings; manpower availability, wage rates, and productivity levels; energy rates and availability; training programs; and guidance on use and application of development incentives including major tax credits, refunds, and exemptions for new and expanding businesses. For information, contact Rod Moseman, vice president, Economic Development, at 800-852-2622 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Greater Rochelle Economic Development Corporation
The City of Rochelle offers a competitive advantage because of its unique proximity to four major highway systems and two mainline railroad intersections. The Rochelle Railroad provides dual rail access. The Union Pacific Global III Intermodal Transportation Facility provides fast, efficient, and low-cost shipping opportunities. The Rochelle transportation/distribution system can serve more than 80 million people in 15 different states, and in Canada, in less than 24 hours.

Greater Waco Chamber
With its central location in Texas, the United States, and North America, Waco is an ideal site for growing businesses to reach new markets. Waco offers excellent highway access without congestion and Interstate 35 provides north-south travel from Mexico to Canada. In addition, its low cost of living and low cost of doing business; skilled, cost-competitive workforce; excellent sites and facilities; assistance with analysis and incentives; and an attractive, exciting environment make Waco an excellent location for logistics-related industries. Get Waco on your site selection map; visit the Web site today.

Greensboro, North Carolina
Centrally located in North Carolina, over half the U.S. population and most major markets are within 650 miles of Greensboro. With 11 area colleges and universities, Greensboro offers a well-educated and skilled workforce in addition to quick access to four major interstates and the new FedEx Express Mid-Atlantic Hub. Greensboro has a robust technology infrastructure with excellent power reliability and low utility costs as well as a variety of industrial space and shovel-ready sites. The Greensboro Economic Development Alliance (GEDA) provides a wide range of assistance to companies interested in the area. To learn more about all that Greensboro and GEDA can offer, please contact Kathi Dubel at [email protected] or 1-888-693-6939.

Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance
A diverse region capable of satisfying the location requirements of varied industries at reasonable cost, Hampton Roads ranks as the largest metropolitan area between Washington, D.C., and Atlanta. These assets, including one of the lowest combined state and local tax rates in the nation, and a legal liability system favorable to business, make Hampton Roads an enviable business address.

Hoosier Energy
Hoosier Energy is a generation and transmission cooperative providing electric power to 17 member electric distribution cooperatives in central and southern Indiana and one member cooperative in Illinois. Based in Bloomington, Ind., Hoosier Energy operates coal, natural gas, and renewable energy power plants and delivers power through a 1,450-mile transmission network. Hoosier Energy is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative, one member of a nationwide alliance of electric co-ops providing high standards of service according to four core values: integrity, accountability, innovation, and commitment to community.

Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce & Economic Development
The Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce & Economic Development proudly serves a group of communities in North Central Illinois, all of which have wonderful access to the I-39 Logistics Corridor. The Corridor also intersects I-80 in the area and is strategically close to Chicago. For more information, contact Barb Koch, Executive Director/CEO, at 815-223-0227.

Kansas City Department of Aviation
An exceptional site for aviation-related businesses, with 7,000 acres of land for development; an expansive cargo-handling infrastructure; warehouse and office space; on-site Foreign Trade Zone; and few flight delays. To learn more, visit our Web site or e-mail [email protected].

Kansas Department of Commerce
As the State of Kansas’ lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce offers a variety of programs and services that create jobs, attract new investment, provide workforce training, encourage community development, and sell the state as a competitive place to do business. One recent development to reduce the cost of doing business is the elimination of property tax on new commercial machinery and equipment. The department’s business recruitment is anxious to provide confidential site location assistance. Member of NASCO