Wait Loss Program
The supply-demand dynamic in the trucking market is out of balance, even as more drivers enter the field. With tight capacity, carriers can pick and choose which shippers and facilities to work with. In order to remain competitive and have access to consistent and reliable supply, it is crucial for shippers to become a shipper of choice.
Preferred shippers take steps to streamline their supply chain and create more carrier-friendly processes. Even small, inexpensive changes—such as staff friendliness—can go a long way.
Convoy’s Carrier Snapshot Report Q3 2018 surveyed 650 small and mid-sized trucking companies to determine what’s important to them when working with a shipper. The results, in order of importance:
- Short wait time
- Flexible appointments
- Low rate of tender cancellation
- Staff friendliness
- Shipment booking lead time
- Parking options
- Facility amenities
Additional survey highlights:
- 88 percent of carriers use a mobile app to book loads.
- Average revenue per truck is $21,691.
- Carriers report an average $3.14 rate per loaded mile.
- On average, 14 percent of total miles in September 2018 were empty.
- There were 186,121,707 miles wasted in September. These empty miles result in 1,116,730,241 wasted gallons of gas and $584,422,159.42 in wasted economic value.