Supply Chain
Debbie Lentz Goes For It
Debbie Lentz is president of global supply chain at RS Components and Electrocomponents plc, an industrial and electronic products provider. Responsibilities: Global distribution oversight, including distribution centers, transportation, inventory, export and import trade compliance, and pricing. Experience: Senior VP, chief supply chain officer, Toys R Us. Various executive-level positions with Kraft Foods, including senior VP, […]
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GOOD QUESTION | How Can Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Compete with Amazon?
Don’t try and compete with Amazon. Identify what your customers want most and over deliver. Optimize the supply chain to provide flawless execution.
Read MorePRODUCT SPOTLIGHT | Fulfillment Innovations
Kardex Remstar vertical buffer module: The LR 35 vertical buffer module is designed to pick small parts quickly in warehouses. It comes with picking software that lets users optimize routes and accurately pick goods. Additionally, the module easily integrates into existing systems and serves as a storage solution as well. UNEX roller rack: Designed to […]
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Quick-Changing Supply Chains As trends in the fashion industry constantly change to keep up with evolving consumer needs and expectations, supply chain and logistics professionals need to be just as nimble and flexible to keep up. The apparel industry used to be divided into two seasons: spring/summer and fall/winter. Today, however, with the desire to […]
Read MoreNestlé’s Tasty Tactics for a Greener Supply Chain
In a revitalized commitment to ecofriendly practices, Nestlé has created a goal of reaching zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. To be sustainable, though, the company is going to need to make some major changes within its supply chain. To start, the food producer will need to begin implementing more sustainable ingredients within its […]
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Culture Builder
While credentials and experience are important factors to consider when building a team, Dante Fornari believes that it’s cultural fit and chemistry that really make a difference.
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Seeking Autonomy
What factors go into creating a successful supply chain? According to the EY Americas Supply Chain Reinvention Survey 2019, which surveyed senior-level supply chain executives on topics ranging from adopting technology, retaining leadership and talent, and prioritizing investment to supporting sustainability, here are the notable trends: A long road to 2025: More than 50% of […]
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Eight Ways to Minimize Supply Chain Risk
Supply chain attacks aren’t anything new, but threat actors continue to find new ways to breach networks. The 2013 Target breach and more recent NotPetya, Trisis, and Wipro compromises serve as not-so-gentle reminders that supply chain attacks are damaging and costly and present many risks to both businesses and their suppliers.
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Aftermarket Auto Parts Supply Chain: No Time To Spare
To compete in this fast-shifting sector, aftermarket auto parts companies have to speed into e-commerce and get their supply chains in high gear.
Read MoreNoted: The Supply Chain in Brief-Sep 2019
Good Works To support a remote mountain elementary school in Yunnan, China, cargo-partner donated and delivered 200 desks and chairs, 130 bunk beds, and 260 bedding sets for a new dormitory building. In addition, the logistics provider will help the local government build a charity supermarket for people living in the mountain area to raise […]
Read More5 Tips for Efficient Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management (SCM) involves the flow of goods and services in an efficient manner. It encompasses all the steps involved in procuring raw materials through to the finished goods, in a way that is streamlined and provides value to the customer. As any successful business owner will tell you, SCM is an extremely crucial […]
Read MoreIN BRIEF: New Services & Solutions-September 2019
Products The Rite-Hite Dok-Guardian XL Safety Barrier helps facilities with loading docks comply with Walking-Working Surfaces regulations mandated by OSHA. At nearly 5 feet tall, the Dok-Guardian XL provides a physical barrier at loading dock openings and can stop up to 30,000 pounds of force. Transflo Trailer Tracking is a solar-powered device that provides near real-time communications and […]
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Choosing the Right 3PL and Supporting Supply Chain Excellence
Choosing the right third-party logistics (3PL) provider can make or break your goal of achieving supply chain excellence and have a significant impact on your company’s brand. Q: What are some top factors to consider when evaluating a 3PL’s potential to deliver supply chain excellence while upholding your brand? A: You want to ensure that […]
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Collaboration Grows Freight Economy
At the heart of St. Louis’ strategy to advance as a global trade hub is a focus on collaboration to strengthen and promote the region’s already robust freight network. The entire bi-state region has united behind that common goal—establishing partnerships that bridge government boundaries, public and private sector, various industries, and multiple transport modes. The effort is paying off.
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Sunset Enters Its 30s With Big Plans and Dynamic Solutions
2019 marks 30 years of business for 3PL Sunset Transportation. The future is bright as the 3PL starts its 30s with a new facility and innovative new solutions.
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Leveraging IoT in the Supply Chain
The Internet of Things (IoT) captures location, temperature, moisture, pressure, and other data that can be crucial to properly managing your supply chain.
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Destination: The Corner Office
Got your sights set on the C-Suite? It’s no pipe dream. As the supply chain exercises more influence over business outcomes, its managers are rising to top leadership positions. The journey begins with expanding your skill sets and seeking job experiences that prepare you for the role.
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