

Aleksejs Volcenkovs

How to Use Pallet Collars to Improve Supply Chain Efficiency

Improving efficiency in the warehouse can help boost customer satisfaction and increase overall revenue. In many cases, the simplest change can make the biggest difference in how efficiently your operation can run. A simple review of your warehouse operation can help you identify the changes that can be made to improve the efficiency of your […]

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Creating a Lean and Green Culture

Focusing on saving money or going green doesn’t have to be an either/or proposition. Fabio Duque, global head of consumer vertical for APL Logistics, offers tips for creating efficiencies that have both environmental and financial benefits. 1. Re-examine your international expedited transportation mix. If you routinely use air cargo to expedite global shipments, consider switching […]

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Michelle Coleman

Best Practices for Preventing Pallet Rack Damage

Warehouses and distribution centers can be hectic, and it is essential to have solid damage prevention practices in effect to prevent employee injury and minimize loss. However, in an environment where workers are maneuvering heavy equipment and heavy loads in confined spaces, accidents are bound to happen. Even the best driver occasionally has a collision, […]

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The Power of Pallets

The Power of Pallets

There’s more to these warehouse workhorses than meets the eye. Companies that use pallet systems strategically can reduce transport costs and promote supply chain efficiency.

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