What would you put in a logistics time capsule for people to open 50 years from now?

I’d put in a bunch of data such as the average weight of a truckload, the price of fuel, transit times, etc. so that people in 50 years could compare it to what they are doing and wonder how we survived.
Kyle Merop
U.S. Air Force Veteran
I still have a few air waybills in my bottom desk drawer, which would be an iconic logistics item in 50 years. With the advancement of technology, would anyone remember using paper documents in 50 years’ time? Surely by then it will be thumbprints or retinal scans.
Andrew Kennedy
Logistics Manager
Kitagawa Europe Ltd.
I would place a small local server, personal computer, and display monitor. I can only imagine what else we will be using in 50 years. I would also place a traditional RF scanner used in the warehouse since it will be replaced with wearables. Lastly, I would put a copy of a forklift certification, as forklifts are being replaced with autonomous vehicles and robots.
Bill Goodgion
Ascent Global Logistics
A steering wheel, a manual transmission, and a jar of diesel fuel. Based on the rapid evolution of vehicle technology and autonomy, future generations may look back and be entertained at how "archaic" these items are.
Tom Poduch
Director of Logistics Design
Transervice Logistics
A handwritten bill of lading and a packing list.
Myra Foster
Shipping Clerk
Hickory Springs Manufacturing
Documentation for all the macros and SAP scripts that everyone still uses but forgot why they run and how they work.
Wojciech Wegrzyn
Category Supply Senior Planner
Procter & Gamble
A handwritten letter in an envelope with a postage stamp affixed.
Daniel Kovalik
Supply Planner
Kollaras & Co.
My workload and schedule. In 50 years, you could probably do what takes me 10 hours a day now in about two to three hours thanks to advanced technology.
Jake Olson
Shipping Manager
Timberwolf Products
Book of Pro number stickers, a handwritten BOL, HAZMAT placard, and the CHEMTREC book.
Carol-Lynn Maynard
Foster Corporation
I would put in Quintiq’s collection of 83 world record solutions to logistics puzzles known as VRPTW. In 50 years, I would be interested to see how many of those still stand.
Robert Oliver
Senior Solution Architect
My business card. Whomever opens the time capsule might need a good 3PL partner. Technology will continue to evolve and drive change, and market conditions will always fluctuate, but the need for a partner that delivers exceptional service is eternal.
Owen Schnaper
AFN Logistics
I would take a memento from each common carrier (bobblehead, keychain, desk pad, mouse pad, pen) or the quirky little gifts they give away to existing customers and add it to the capsule.
Heidi Hartman
Administrative Assistant
Wilkie Brothers Conveyors
A Driver’s logbook and a copy of your magazine, as everything will be digital.
Rich Foley
Logistics Manager
SDI Technologies