

U.S. Imports: It’s a Steel

U.S. Imports: It’s a Steel

While the Trump administration introduced tariffs of 25 percent on the import of steel and 10 percent on aluminum, many of the United States’ most important steel trading partners were granted exemptions, at least temporarily. These exemptions apply to the selected major steel exporters shown in the chart below, including the European Union, Brazil, Canada, […]

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Truck Driver Shortage: When Will Autonomous Trucks Fill the Gap?

Not that long ago, San Francisco-based Embark announced its first cross-country trip by a self-driving truck. Along with Uber, Tu Simple, and Starsky Robotics, Embark is working on the autopilot technology for long-haul trucks. Self-driving trucks will result in disruption; the question is “When?” Given that the economic benefits are enormous, the self-driving revolution is […]

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Supply Chain Commentary: How to Overcome Technology Roadblocks

The shipping industry has hit a roadblock and can’t expand without overcoming numerous challenges. Talent shortages, increased competition from outside the industry, and slow acceptance of technological advances are just a few of the hurdles that have stagnated one of the most important segments of American commerce. The only way to overcome these challenges and […]

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Georgia Ports: Crane and Able

Georgia Ports: Crane and Able

The first of Georgia Ports Authority’s (GPA) four new Neo-Panamax cranes have come online, bringing its operating fleet to 27. The super-sized crane is tall enough to lift containers 152 feet above the dock. Konecranes of Finland designed these massive cranes, which can work the largest ships now calling the U.S. East Coast, reaching across […]

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Trucking Challenges Impact SCM

It is no secret that the current state of the U.S. trucking industry has had several negative impacts on logistics and supply chain management. The shortage of drivers and ripple effect from the ELD mandate have caused trucking delays and pricing increases across the country, and are now affecting global supply chains. Indianapolis-based logistics solutions […]

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Manufacturing Reaches Pre-Recession Levels

The U.S. manufacturing sector will regain all of the output lost since June 2009 by April 2019, indicates a recent report from the Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI). A global economic rebound, the passage of U.S. tax reform legislation, and the depreciation of the U.S. dollar are the chief components MAPI identifies as […]

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Engaging the  Informed Consumer

Engaging the Informed Consumer

Retailers and branded manufacturers can differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace by showcasing their most unique assets, according to Kibo’s annual 2018 Consumer Trends report. Based on responses from 3,000 U.S. consumers, the report suggests that while price is still the primary factor in purchasing decisions, consumers are increasingly seeking out a differentiated shopping experience—one […]

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ELDs: Ready or Not, Here They Come

While most owner-operators are ready for the ELD mandate, many are unhappy with the electronic logs, and blame them for a loss of productivity and a resulting decline in income, finds a recent DAT survey of 645 carriers and owner-operators. In addition, it’s harder to find parking for trucks, driver detention remains a problem, and […]

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Unblocking the Blockchain: Beyond the Hype

For the logistics sector, blockchain is taking center stage in 2018. In the first three months of the year, we have seen Buffett’s BNSF Railway, UPS, and GE among a whole host of others join the Blockchain in Transport Alliance (BiTA), which has dedicated itself to developing the industry standards for blockchain use. We have […]

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2018 Business Trends: For Better, For Worse

2018 Business Trends: For Better, For Worse

Investing in new and improved information technology and robotic process automation (RPA), talent shortages, and trade protectionism are predicted to be the top trends in service delivery for 2018 and the next several years, according to the latest quarterly KPMG Global Insights Pulse survey. Respondents predict these trends will have the largest positive impact: intelligent […]

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Vertical Focus: News & Trends Impacting the Aerospace Supply Chain

Vertical Focus: News & Trends Impacting the Aerospace Supply Chain

Steeling For Tariff Impacts What impact will the proposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum have on sourcing activity for domestic suppliers in the U.S. aerospace industry, which relies heavily on foreign aluminum? Some interesting activity has already occurred. For example, sourcing activity for aluminum coils on industrial purchasing site is up 53 percent […]

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FedEx Reserves 20 Tesla Semi Electric Trucks

FedEx Reserves 20 Tesla Semi Electric Trucks

FedEx Corp. has placed a reservation for 20 Tesla Semi trucks. Less-than-truckload unit FedEx Freight will operate the fully electric trucks, which are scheduled to begin production in 2019. This new big rig will deliver a far better experience for truck drivers, while increasing safety and significantly reducing the cost of cargo transport, according to […]

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Noted – The Supply Chain in Brief

Noted – The Supply Chain in Brief

Sealed Deals Gifts, toys, apparel, and accessories e-tailer Hollar deployed inVia Robotics’ Picker robots and cloud-based Robotics-as-a-Service management system to streamline e-commerce fulfillment in its Los Angeles warehouse. Hollar uses the collaborative mobile robotics platform to automate goods-to-person fulfillment, boosting warehouse productivity. The e-tailer deployed 100 inVia Picker robots and will scale as needed to […]

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Trucking Shortage: Buckle Up for Worsening Conditions

The United States has been facing a severe trucking shortage since the electronic logging device (ELD) implementation in late 2017 exacerbated capacity issues. More than four months in and the crunch does not only seem far from easing but appears likely to worsen. Trucking spot rates are 28 percent higher through March 23, 2018 than […]

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Supply Chain Efficiency: Packaging for the Automotive E-Commerce Era

According to the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA), the e-commerce automotive aftermarket sector is currently growing at a rate of $1 billion annually, and is expected to rise to $15 billion by 2020. For the most part, the sector is focused on two primary customers: those seeking accessories for upgrades and those interested in purchasing […]

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Panama Canal Has a 3-in-1 Day

Panama Canal Has a 3-in-1 Day

The Panama Canal successfully transited three LNG vessels through its Neopanamax locks on April 17, 2018, marking a first for the waterway. The Clean Ocean, Gaslog Gibraltar, and Gaslog Hong Kong vessels first arrived at the Canal from the Pacific Ocean then transited north, departing on the Atlantic side. The development marks a significant milestone […]

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Supply Chain Insight: Improve Accuracy and Visibility with GS1 Standards

It’s no surprise warehouse processes have grown more complex in the on-demand economy. Greater demand and higher customer expectations mean employees must move product through the warehouse as efficiently as possible. Warehousing technology has evolved to meet these challenges, helping employees better track inventory through the receiving and put-away processes. While these advancements address concerns […]

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Supply Chain Commentary:
10 Ways to Enhance Visibility

Seeing what’s happening throughout the supply chain—and being able to make changes when things don’t go as planned—is essential in today’s always-on, omnichannel shipping environment. But even though businesses have more tools, providers, and resources than ever for supply chain management, two-thirds still report they don’t have end-to-end visibility, according to the Business Continuity Institute. […]

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Outsourced Manufacturing: Ethical and Environmental Concerns Grow

Outsourced Manufacturing: Ethical and Environmental Concerns Grow

Some interesting trends around the ongoing trade war between the United States and China, as well as continuing challenges with environmental issues and health and safety, have emerged. That’s according to AsiaInspection’s (AI) quarterly barometer of outsourced manufacturing and the quality control services industry for Q1 2018. Highlights of the report include: As many as […]

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