
IT Matters: Logistics & Supply Chain Technology

Kristi Montgomery

Using IoT to Enable Tomorrow’s Supply Chain

The Internet of Things (IoT) is starting to change warehouse and distribution services around the globe, with an estimated 5.5 million new devices being connected every day. The supply chain is next. Scary? Not really. Worthwhile? Absolutely. Billions of traditional networking devices—including hubs, routers, servers, personal computers, and mobile phones—are already connected to the internet […]

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Robert Clesi

To Boost Shipment Productivity, Look to the Cloud

Deploying a cloud-based shipment execution system promotes a healthier ecosystem within the company, reduces costs, and pays big dividends via customer satisfaction. When corporate enterprises grow and evolve, their internal departments can develop a silo mentality and become more protective of their information. Because of these informational turf wars, the organization becomes disjointed and less […]

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Cyrus Hadavi PhD

Self-Improving Supply Chains Have Arrived

Imagine a world where supply chain planning systems can mold themselves into their environment, adapt, and improve as the business changes. Imagine systems that can monitor user behavior as well as customer and supplier anomalies, and advise accordingly. These are self-repairing supply chains. Imagine no more. With advances in processor speed and abundance of memory, […]

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Michael Elmgreen

B2B Commerce Technology Improves Fulfillment Times and Supply Management

For manufacturers and distributors, order delivery speed and product availability have never been more important. As their B2B buyers face the pressures of today’s on-demand economy, fulfillment times and availability can mean the difference between keeping a customer or not. To ensure customer satisfaction, many companies look for workflow improvements in their warehouses and distribution […]

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Tom Collins

How Real-Time Information Can Transform Your Supply Chain

In the world of supply chain management, timing is everything. As same-day shipping is quickly becoming the new standard for many e-commerce retailers, companies are beginning to appreciate the true value of a highly effective supply chain management solution and its role in maintaining effective global operations and consistent customer satisfaction. Enhancing your supply chain […]

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Gary Hanifan

Goodbye, Linear Supply Chain. Hello, Digital Supply Network

Ready or not, the death of the linear supply chain is upon us. Supply chains built to deliver reliable, cost-effective results are no longer fit for purpose in today’s digitally driven world. Enter the digital supply network (DSN). DSNs intertwine, even harmonize, four supply chains—physical, information, talent, and financial—that businesses have operated separately for decades. […]

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Chase Sowden

Tapping the Power of Performance Management

In today’s workplace, performance improvement and the role of performance management are increasingly important. Organizations are under more pressure than ever to become more efficient and improve business strategies to remain competitive. Consider, for instance, a manufacturer with five warehouses that decides to implement a new enterprise resource planning system. The goal is to increase […]

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Nick Cicero

Leverage Dashboard Technology to Improve Decision-Making Capabilities

As a logistics professional, you’re familiar with the value of high-quality data. Experienced supply chain practitioners recognize that the value of data is directly related to its utility: Raw data without context or consequence is virtually meaningless. With even more tracking systems contributing to a dramatic increase in the volume of available data, companies are […]

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Jon M. Van Winkle

Getting Fleets Mobile Ready

Many transportation fleets are now embracing mobile technologies, and there are clear reasons why. Today’s smartphones and tablet computers put more computing power in the palm of a driver’s hand than what was available in the earliest NASA computers that put man on the moon. Furthermore, the ongoing R&D investments by chip and device makers […]

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