
IT Matters: Logistics & Supply Chain Technology

Is Your Business Ready for Intelligent Document Processing?

Is Your Business Ready for Intelligent Document Processing?

The world has seen the damage a slow supply chain can do—it stunts economic growth, negatively impacts revenue, and leads to customer frustration, or worse, customer loss. Technology has been touted as the end-all to supply chain woes, but it can be difficult to determine the most beneficial solutions. Yet, one AI solution can lay the foundational groundwork for implementing future technologies: Intelligent Document Processing (IDP).

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Why IoT is Not the Answer

Why IoT is Not the Answer

Global supply chain disruption is not caused by a lack of data—more than 10 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices deployed worldwide add more data every second to already overflowing data stores, yet disruption persists. More IoT is not the answer. The real challenge is creating effective connections between numerous stakeholders performing a range of functions, across multiple enterprise platforms and in different jurisdictions.

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How Strong Trading Relationships Help Win and Retain Customers

How Strong Trading Relationships Help Win and Retain Customers

The most effective supply chains are built on a firm foundation of cooperation between suppliers and distributors. Strong trading relationships have a significant impact on just about every measure of performance: customer service, transportation and storage costs, risk, forecasting, lead times, and even product development. The best way to ensure that your supply chain is […]

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5 Phases of Disruption Response

5 Phases of Disruption Response

While supply chain problems appeared at first to be temporary ramifications of the pandemic, research now suggests that restoring previous supply chain functioning will take more than time. New solutions will have to be developed, and innovation in the tech space will have to be part of these solutions. In a recent presentation, Palash Barandwaj, […]

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Using Actionable Real-Time Visibility to Impact the Consumer Experience

Across the globe, the hot topic in boardrooms has been improving supply chains and getting products into the hands of consumers. Utilizing technology has become vitally important to improving both last-mile delivery and the end consumer’s experience with a brand. There are important costs for a brand to consider associated with a bad last-mile delivery […]

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David L. Buss

Using Digitalization to Navigate Through Disruptions

Industry 4.0 is a revolution in manufacturing and holds promise for improving supply chain efficiency and flexibility. The convergence of technology disruptions—automation, analytics, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality—drives this revolution. Why is digitization important and what key technologies are fueling the shift? Intelligent supply chains. Intelligent technologies, such as automation, remote fleet management, and cargo […]

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Girding for Supply Chain Turmoil in 2022

Despite the expectation that this year will be a difficult one regarding supply chain management, strategies exist to ease the burden. Companies can minimize disruption by implementing specific tools and best practices that will enable clearing logistical, transportation, and technological hurdles. Those include modernizing your business’s supply chain management processes—adopting artificial intelligence, for instance—enhancing visibility […]

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CJ Singh

Is the Healthcare Supply Chain Ready for the Netflix Effect?

Have you ever marveled at how Netflix seems to know what you want to watch, when you want to watch it, and sets expectations with a high percentage of likelihood that you’ll enjoy their recommendation? What if we could apply that same degree of accuracy to the healthcare supply chain? Armed with the right information, we could know who needs which supplies and when, down to the patient level. The result would be a more resilient supply chain and better patient outcomes.

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When Every Product Tells a Story

What makes Amazon so successful? How has the company turned retail (and logistics, for that matter) on its head? The answer is intelligence. Thanks to digital technology and an expansive network infrastructure, Amazon knows more about the demand chain it’s built between brands and consumers than most traditional companies can possibly grasp. But that’s changing. […]

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Oleg Yanchyk

3 Ways AI Can Reap Benefits

Set to generate more than $550 billion in revenue by 2024, arguably no sector in the technology world is growing more rapidly than artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). And while AI may be experiencing well-known impacts on industries such as healthcare and retail, it’s also quietly affecting logistics and shipping, particularly freight procurement.

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