The IoT Supply Chain of the Future
There are many reasons why supply chain management could be affected in the coming years; political unrest, wars, Brexit, and even environmental concerns such as rising fuel costs, the conversion to low-sulphur fuel, and unpredictable weather conditions. All of these will impact the shipping of goods globally, and the inherent costs associated. And we mustn’t […]
Read MoreGOOD QUESTION | How Can Brick-and-Mortar Retailers Compete with Amazon?
Don’t try and compete with Amazon. Identify what your customers want most and over deliver. Optimize the supply chain to provide flawless execution.
Read MoreI Was a Shipment at Disney
On a recent trip to Disney World with my family, I felt like one of the shipments you manage. I experienced firsthand the recent technological magic Disney has invested in. The impact of that technology investment starts before you hit the park—advance planning, if you will. Disney encourages everyone seeking information about park attractions to […]
Read MoreEight Ways to Minimize Supply Chain Risk
Supply chain attacks aren’t anything new, but threat actors continue to find new ways to breach networks. The 2013 Target breach and more recent NotPetya, Trisis, and Wipro compromises serve as not-so-gentle reminders that supply chain attacks are damaging and costly and present many risks to both businesses and their suppliers.
Read MoreTraining: The Hidden Value-Add
Any business involved in import and export activities falls within the scope of all laws and regulations applicable to those activities. These laws and regulations are far-reaching and can be highly complex.
Read MoreCollaboration Grows Freight Economy
At the heart of St. Louis’ strategy to advance as a global trade hub is a focus on collaboration to strengthen and promote the region’s already robust freight network. The entire bi-state region has united behind that common goal—establishing partnerships that bridge government boundaries, public and private sector, various industries, and multiple transport modes. The effort is paying off.
Read More4 Steps to Streamline Global Shipping
For global manufacturers, managing logistics and carriers across locations, countries, and regions is no easy task, particularly given the current unpredictable business environment. But while shippers can’t control fickle global relations, they need not be at their mercy.
Read MoreHow to Recruit and Retain the Best Interns
If you hire summer interns, you’ve already decided where to source students. But what about the decisions around post-intern hiring?
Read MoreReinventing Logistics in the Age of Amazon
n 1909, Henry Ford said, “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” Decades later, Jeff Bezos said, “Customers are divinely discontent. Their expectations are never static—they go up.”
Read MoreLeveraging Real Time Information to Better Manage Logistics
When it comes to shipping freight around the world, costs and on-time delivery top the list of concerns for everyone from shipping managers to CEOs. Having strong, accessible data is essential.
Read MoreBlockchain Moves Beyond the ‘Walled Garden’ Stage
On Halloween 2008, a mysterious paper entitled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System appeared on a cryptography mailing list. Its author used the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto and to this day no one is sure of their true identity. Nevertheless, the the paper unleashed a revolution. While the Bitcoin paper’s objective was to establish an alternative […]
Read MoreGOOD QUESTION | What’s the quickest way to improve return logistics?
Make sure information systems, distribution networks, and transportation capabilities work together seamlessly. Perry Belcastro Senior Vice President, Fulfillment Services Saddle Creek Logistics Services Leverage artificial intelligence to identify key drivers causing returns/claims. This can provide insights that can be used to optimize delivery, reduce volume, and provide critical information to engineering to improve products. Tom […]
Read More3PL Growth Spurt. Why?
The managed logistics sector thrives both in times of positive change and in times of uncertainty. We’ve recently had plenty of both. In today’s bipolar economy, it’s no wonder that U.S. 3PLs had their best-ever year in 2018. Forty percent of 3PLs report top-line sales growth of 20% or better in our annual 3PL Perspectives […]
Read MoreIBP and Lean: A Match Made in Heaven
Acknowledging that we are in a “whitewater rapids” phase of today’s global economy, and hence supply chain, leads us to the question: Who is steering the ship and how?
Read MoreOperating a Purpose-Driven Supply Chain
Leading with purpose creates an impact that resonates across a business—including employees, customers, partners, and shareholders. It can often be a complicated process, but it doesn’t need to be. For global brands that source raw materials, move products through global supply chains across borders, and ultimately deliver a product or experience to a customer, understanding […]
Read MoreFilling the Manufacturing Skills Gap
The manufacturing skills gap may leave a projected 2.4 million positions open in the coming decade, with a potential economic impact of $2.5 trillion. How can manufacturers prepare and fill positions with qualified individuals? What training and ongoing education strategies will enable the necessary skills? Predictive analytics and machine learning can eliminate the guesswork in […]
Read MoreStop Calling It Backhaul
A backhaul is a means of returning drivers and equipment to their origin or domicile. It’s that happy place where sales can command the highest rates for haul and the customer connection is at its best. It stands to reason, however, that one company’s origin point is another company’s wasteland in terms of relationships and […]
Read MoreGOOD QUESTION | What’s the most neglected part of the supply chain?
Reverse logistics is usually an afterthought. Heather Jarvis-Gann Logistics & Dispatch Crestwood Midstream Partners LP Defining what supply chain management is for your company is key to writing the right job description and attracting the right talent. Tyler Chamberlain, MBA Supply Chain Manager Capital One Compliance is often viewed as a cost center and is […]
Read MoreConflicted
As a culture, are we really committed to sustainability? Yes and no. Conventional wisdom can be contradictory. For example, some of you are reading this on paper. BAD! Yet studies show that fast-growth carbon capturing recyclable paper is much more sustainable than the gigawatts of energy and massive server farms needed to deliver Inbound Logistics […]
Read MoreGOOD QUESTION | What’s one supply chain myth you’d like to debunk?
Myth: Reducing labor costs is the best way to improve a supply chain operation. Much bigger gains can be made in reducing total supply chain cost by improving service levels and reducing lead times.
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